by Anggita Sari Dewi, B. Bus
Klinik PENTA Medica – Medical VVIP G-20 Summit
Klinik PENTA Medica was appointed as one of Medical VVIPs for G-20 Summit held on 15-16th November 2022 in Bali. Operating under IHC (PT. Pertamina Bina Medika Indonesia Healthcare Corporation), Klinik PENTA Medica was in-charge as the Medical VVIP at Ngurah Rai International Airport starting from 12-18th November 2022.

Hosting a G-20 Summit is one of the historical moments for Indonesia, especially Bali. Apart from the pride to host a prestigious event, the G-20 Summit also contributes to the economic growth of Bali during the recovery process post the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is such an honor for Klinik PENTA Medica to participate in the event.

Klinik PENTA Medica itself is experienced in Ambulance Standby Program since 2005 and has been trusted to handle numerous VIP to VVIP events. For example, as the medical team for the USA during the 19th ASEAN Summit in 2011, the medical team during the 25th APEC Summit in 2013, the private medical team for King Salman during his visit to Bali in 2017, as well as other conferences, summits, and important events held in Bali.
Should you need assistance with the Standby Ambulance service, drop your inquiries at or call (+62) 361 490709.